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Sales Driven Website Methodology

Conversion Optimized

Are your website prospects being automatically
followed up while you sleep?

Websites Should Be Built By
Marketers NOT Designers

20% of the effectiveness of a website is the design. The other 80% is because of the marketing functionality included in the site

8 Ways To Triple Your Website Leads in 30 Days

Find Out What The Top 5% of Businesses In Your Industry Are Doing To Get More Leads Online


Why Designers Can't Build High Converting Websites

Designers build the majority of websites. They are skilled in making a website look great and convey the branding of the business. If you want to generate leads and sales from your website, you need a lot more than just a great design. Design is 20% of what it takes to build a Sales Driven Website. The other 80% is made of marketing features. A high converting website requires:

  1. Landing pages
  2. Conversion Optimized Design
  3. Marketing Funnels
  4. Sales Driven Copy
  5. Lead Magnets
  6. High Converting Capture forms

Today, to build a top converting website, you need to include all these features. Marketers specialize in all these features. So the perfect team to build your website is a marketer who understands the Sales Driven Website Methodology and employs a designer to complete the 20% design part of the project.


Design For Conversions

When you do hire a designer, they have to have a superior skill set to the average Designer. A Sales Driven Website requires a specific layout and design. For example, every page should have a unique highlight colour used on all Call To Action buttons but no other part of the website. This is important, so you train a user that whenever they see this colour, they know it is time for them to take action. This is just one element required for a Sales Driven Website design. There are nine other elements a Designer must include in their design.

There is a Science Behind
Sales Driven Website Design

Website design is not just about pretty. Many websites are beautiful but don’t bring in any new leads or clients.
Conversely, many websites are ugly but are lean, mean sales machines. They generate millions of dollars of new leads for their businesses every year.
We believe website design is a critical path to building a Sales Driven Website, but there is a methodology that must be followed. Unfortunately, most designers don’t understand this methodology, so they build pretty websites that don’t make money.


How a Sales Driven Website Filled GCT Property's Funnel With Leads

Learn how a Sales Driven Website generated 81 Leads in 3 weeks for a cost of $2.47 per lead which lead to 5 face-to-face appointments.






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Book your 20 minute strategy call today to find out how a Sales Driven Website can explode your online marketing

Next Steps

Free 8 Part Video Training

Receive 8 videos email to you over 8 days outlining how to Triple Your Website Leads in 30 days without spending a fortune on advertising

Join The Webinar

This webinar explains the Sales Driven Website Methodology in details over 40 minutes with lots of case studies. There is lots of time for questions

Book A Strategy Call

Speak to an expert and benchmark your website against a Sales Driven Website and learn how to get a ROI on your online marketing

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