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SEO Assessment

You don't know where to begin with SEO? We'll figure out where you are now and make a plan for how to get better.

An SEO Assessment
Is Not An Audit

An audit is not the same thing as an SEO Assessment.

You may be familiar with search engine optimisation (SEO) audits, which consist of a lengthy report that details each and every issue with your website. A website that has only 20 pages of material may generate a report that is three to five times as long as the original. These reports are not made by humans; rather, automatic software is responsible for their creation.

In addition, we do not believe that SEO Audits are particularly helpful.

The SEO Assessment that we provide is in no way comparable to an audit. Instead, it is an assessment made from a height of one thousand feet. We take a look at the most important dynamics and provide you with an overview of the options that can assist you in gaining traction and improving your SEO results.

A SEO Assessment Doesn’t Have to Cost Thousands of Dollars

An evaluation doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

If you’ve ever hired a company to do an audit, you’ve probably spent a lot of money. We’ve worked with people who paid $2,500 to $5,000 for huge reports that were mostly just lists made by a computer and had almost no actionable suggestions.

We don’t offer that.

Our SEO Assessment not only gives you actionable suggestions, but it also does so in a friendly way and for a lot less money than other audits. Our SEO Assessment will cost you a mere $500.

A SEO Assessment Is
Not the end, it's the beginning

When you buy one of the audits that are out there, it is already done.

You get a report, and they either wish you well or offer to take you on as a client (with crazy monthly costs) to start fixing everything they’ve found.

We don’t run our business that way.

Our Assessment is clear, on point, and has straightforward suggestions. And things don’t end there.

After an SEO Assessment, we offer two options:

QuickStart SEO

We spend 1 month optimizing your website to be found on Google including Technical SEO, Content and User Experience, On-site SEO and Off-Site SEO.

Monthly SEO

This is where we work on projects every month to ensure your site is found high in the Google search engine rankings.

Start Your SEO Assessment Now

$500 One-Time Setup Fee

All prices are in US dollars


How a Sales Driven Website Filled GCT Property's Funnel With Leads

Learn how a Sales Driven Website generated 81 Leads in 3 weeks for a cost of $2.47 per lead which lead to 5 face-to-face appointments.






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Free 8 Part Video Training

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Speak to an expert and benchmark your website against a Sales Driven Website and learn how to get a ROI on your online marketing

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