This purpose of this test is to do the following:
You are going to:
By the end of the test, you are required to record a video explaining the following assets that you have built including:
You are to:
We will provide you with the following:
None required
When you get stuck and we know you will get stuck, we want you to call your manager on skype.
They will help you straight away to get you unstuck so you can continue working.
It is important that you ask for help when you are stuck.
We won’t see this as a weakness but as a strength.
We want to know that when you don’t know what to do, you are confident to ask for help.
If you don’t ask for help then you will waste our money or time.
Watch this video to get an overview of the test
These are the design guidelines I would like you to follow when redesigning the site
These are examples of the styles of pages I like for this redesign.
I don’t want you to use the illustrations on the ActiveCampaign and Elementor sites. I want you to use photos instead.
Setup the WordPress site so it is ready for design. The changes you should make are:
The call Marlon on Skype.
A revolutionary framework to build websites that attract, capture, nurture and convert cold prospects into high quality clients.